by binoxel | Jul 8, 2020 | Art
Concrete stand for a notebook computer " Read More I like to experiment with different materials including concrete, metal, wood, stones, driftwood and more.Here I have made a mockup for a computer stand.Unfortunately, this could not be reproduced as such because the...
by binoxel | Jun 18, 2020 | Tours and Activities
Cycling on the coastal trail " Read More Each tour is planned individually. Since the weather must also be suitable for the activity in question, a tour may start at short notice or have to be postponed. Today we go on the coastal trail. I will pick you up at your...
by binoxel | May 30, 2020 | Art
Oh, a Vario Figure that looks like me. " Read More Models of figures can be personalized to look like anyone you like, in this case I used my mirror image. I’m sure you can recognize my glasses and my hair. Amazing, isn’t it? Okay so in reality I have less...